Most Anticipated Book Releases this 2018
it may seem quite too late to share my anticipated books of 2018, I am still
delighted to unveil and recommend these phenomenal books to you, binge-readers as I am certain you've also read these book (book on their
series, I mean. ) and surely anticipating its release as well.
This year I only have 5 MOST ANTICIPATED BOOKS, books that
after I successfully done reading I’ve been praying for their authors to write
in haste because I need the next book as soon as possible (I NEED IT IN MY HAND
RN.), and finally release their masterpieces. However it doesn't mean that I
will only read five books this year. NO. I challenged myself to read 30 books
the whole year because I failed to achieve it last year (Though I tagged to
complete only seven books on my reading challenge). I must have had belittled
my binge-reading ability but hey Art, good job for reading 29 books last year. Hit
your Reading Challenge this year!
So here it goes,
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Released: January 16, 2018 |
1. Zenith (The
Androma Saga) by Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings
This book made it to my anticipated read because of Sasha
Alsberg whom my followed booktuber. I've watched so many vlogs of her that I
even knew being an author is her dream. Now that she has reached it, I can't
wait to see what the book is about. Sasha is a likeable person. She had several
good book vlogs which really what made me hit the subscribe button to her
channel plus the fact that she teamed up with the author of good books (based
on reviews I've read but no, haven’t read any of those yet), Lindsay Cummings I
have high expectations on this book. It came out last January 16 and I can’t
wait to get a hold of it.
Read the synopsis here:
2. A Court of Frost
and Starlight by Sarah J. Maas (ACOTAR series #4)
I literally just finished reading A Court of Wings and Ruin
last Saturday and oh, Mother Cauldron! I really did cry continuously in the
midst of the night (Not going to say which Chapter) till I get to its end. It’s
ridiculous. Yes, I know right but if it is ACOWAR that’ll make me look
ridiculous then I really don’t mind at all because IT IS SO PHENOMENAL,
doubt an all-action fantasy novel with envious intimacy between the
protagonists Rhys and Feyre. Goodness! Rhysand is the man you could ever dream
of having.
The narration of events is well-written and
well-illustrated. My imagination really dived into its world---the war and all
the creatures involved in it. Overall, Sarah J Maas' ACOTAR series is a
must-read. And yes, you read that right, A
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Cover Revealed: January 31, 2018 Release: May 2018 |
But if I am to decide, I don't need another installment.
Well, it's actually both agree and disagree because I so love this book that it
breaks my heart knowing it'll finally come to its end however on the other
hand, I also don't want it to be continued especially now that I felt so
contented and satisfied with how ACOWAR ended. I loved it that way and I feel
like it might be ruined if something goes wrong with Rhys and Feyre. (NOOO!
Please...Sarah, NO!) I am really contented with the ending of ACOWAR and I'm
not going to spoil anything here (You're safe. No worries.) Just go ahead and
continue reading or if you haven't read this series yet, I am definitely
recommending this to you!
So yes, though I don’t want any continuation from this
series, I still anticipate A Court of Frost and Starlight. Just don’t ruin
their relationship, please? Now, I'm
thinking how will they call it ACOFAS, I suppose?
Check the synopsis here:
3. War Storm by
Victoria Aveyard (Red Queen series #4)
I've read King's cage a year ago so it's quite a blur for me
to recall the entire scenarios that took place in it aside from the remarkable
ones that made me awed and shattered to pieces (Goodness, that ending though!
*cries a river*)
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Expected Release: May 15, 2018 |
One short but elaborative description for Red Queen
series---Trust no one.
This series is just so tricky that you no longer know
whether to still trust this seemingly reliable character from another betrayal.
It's really hard and I'm putting both my hands down to Aveyard for creating
such great storyline.
Right after I've read King's cage, I immediately wanted to
grasp the next book as the end of it was a total cliffhanger. It really is. So
now that the fourth installment will come out on May 2018, I'm already hyped up
and I can't wait to be back in the world of Mare Barrow.
Read the exciting synopsis of War Storm here:
4. Winter Glass by
Lexa Hillyer (Spindle Fire seies #2)
This book was added to my read-section on Goodreads in June
2017, and I even give a review of the first book Spindle Fire due to my mixed
emotions. I actually posted the review on my Goodreads account but I prefer you
read it here for clearer view:
Generally speaking, I find this book a difficult one to read
for people who are not fan of flowery wordings and massive use of poetic
imagery because Lexa Hillyer's writing is really that way. And I don't find it
bad though, it's actually stimulating to read (if you're fond of reading
poetry) but if you're not, you may find the book slowly getting dull throughout
the entire story. The storyline is incredible. It is, but the way it was
written, I don't think so or I don’t think ALL readers will get hooked on it
due to its purple prose writing. What’s
purple prose writing? It simply means writing is too flowery, too melodramatic
that it's way too much for readers to pick up what exactly the writer is trying
to say.
Despite of those points, Spindle Fire is a good-read.
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Expected Release: April 10, 2018 |
5. Tell me more: Stories
about the 12 hardest things I'm learning to say by Kelly Morrigan
You might want to ask me why this book is included to my
list and why is it the only one different among these books. Well, it is because
these kinds of books are vital to me. I need it for my mental and emotional
stability as I tend to often over-think things. I'd like to get rid of it or at
least be able to control the thoughts that my mind plays.
People who have read this book reviewed it as true,
relatable and moving content, one that would certainly give warmth to readers
suffering from life's struggle. This isn't the first book that I read on
self-help and meditations, Eckhart Tolle's Power of Now is also one great-read
in terms of spiritual and meditation needs. After reading reviews on Morrigan's
book, it became clearer to me that I must read this book as it is meaningful
and I believe would definitely ease my heart and mind.
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Released: January 9, 2018 |
The book is already released—January 9.
You may read reviews and synopsis of this book here:
There you have it, my most anticipated books this year. I
hope these books made it to your TBR list. If it does, don’t forget to leave a
comment below. I would be glad to know your thoughts about it.
Happy Reading!
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